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Fun & Creativity


Art projects will help: develop problem-solving skills, refine motor skills, and build self-confidence. Children work on a  variety of art projects that include painting, coloring and mixed media.  Each activity provides your child with a hands-on creative experience and great work of art to take home.


Children's Chapel is led by Mt. Brook Presbyterian Minister, Madison Roberts. Chapel time nurtures spirituality, models worship and prayer, teaches scripture and everyone's favorite, singing with Mr. Madison.


Through movement, children will work on coordination, balance, flexibility, strength, spatial awareness and positive body image through make-believe play and games.


Language development includes storytime and puppet play to enrich their imaginations and teach listening and verbal interaction in the group setting. Four year old and 5K programs also use the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.


Children will learn about geometrical figures and objects, measurement of length, weight, capacity, time, and temperature, use of money, graphs and charts.

Outside Play

We have a newly renovated playground, beautiful courtyard, nature trail and community garden to enhance our preschool experience.  Children learn about the natural elements and their surroundings. For example, they learn about the weather, the change in seasons, horticulture and different animals that are found outside.

3405 Brookwood Rd, Mountain Brook, AL 35223

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